What does it do?

MyZip prints labels for the jewel case of a Zip Disk. The main goal of a Zip Disk is for it to be used over and over again. This makes changing the label expensive and time consuming. MyZip changes all of that! With it, users can print on plain paper, color or black and white. This makes MyZip the affordible choice. MyZip kills it's competition:
MyZip Others
Price $5.00 $15.00 and more
Features Over 40 Less than 20
Editor WYSIWYG Requires preview

Text features include: field input, pasting, saving, spine input and importing.

Picture features include: pasting, positioning and importing.

Special features include: directory listing, balloon help, exporting, printing and much much more!

New features include: text selection in all dialogs, full control picture positioning, picture scalability, many tidbits to speed it up, picture positioning, printing on the spine, multiple layouts, save feature, balloon help and directory listing.

DOWNLOAD MyZip 1.5 for:
68k Macs - PowerPC Macs

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