HomeBlogiOS Siddur Birthday

Happy 4th Birthday iOS Siddur

Published July 31, 2012

4th iOS Siddur BirthdayAugust 4th is the 4th anniversary/birthday of our first iOS (then iPhone) app, the iPhone Siddur.

It is hard to imagine, we've developed a few hundred apps since, about 70 that we own and sell directly and the rest was done for our clients. We would have never guessed our mobile business would have grown so much, where we have three dedicated resources on mobile and a ton of developers that pitch in when needed.

To celebrate the birthday, we are immediately putting the iOS Siddur & Siddur HD on sale for $4 less than the listing price. So the iPhone Siddur is now $5.99 instead of $9.99 and the iPad Siddur is now $15.99 instead of $19.99. This sale ends on the day the Siddur App officially went live in the App Store - August 6th, which was two days after it was approved.

You can download the app for these prices now by searching for our apps in the App Store or for a quick link to the iPhone Siddur click here and iPad Siddur click here.

We should also note that today we changed the price of the Kosher App from $4.99 to $1.99. So make sure to download that as well.

Finally, since it is our fourth birthday for the Siddur, here are four free redeem codes for each app (iPhone and iPad) where the first person to use them gets it for free. One time use and they will go quick - so I am sorry if you didn't see this post in time.

iPhone Siddur Redeem Codes: MAKHXREN3FX4; YM7N7KR9HWLM; L9WTEY3RM733 & KT9ALAER3PXH

iPad Siddur Redeem Codes: H4JF9AML76LT; 9PJRRP7RPP9R; NM9RAW737FXL & 4XN69ETEMNT4

As always, thank you for all the feedback and support. Without the feedback, this app wouldn't be the most valuable Jewish app in the market. Keep the feedback coming!

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Barry Schwartz is the CEO of RustyBrick, a New York Web service firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales. Barry is also the founder of the Search Engine Roundtable and the News Editor of Search Engine Land. He is well known & respected for his expertise in the search marketing industry. Barry graduated from the City University of New York and lives with his family in the NYC region.

This article is under iPhone, iPhone Apps

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