Screen Shots

Main Screen

Fix A Tire

Build Snowman

Snowman video

Fix a faucet

Here at RustyBrick, we love building out new technology to help improve lives. One concept we came up with is to implement the ability to teach anyone, anything, anywhere and at any time using Apple Vision Pro. Imagine you want to learn how to change the oil in your car or how to fix a leaky faucet. Wouldn't it be cool to download that data into your brain and know how to do it within minutes?
The app is available in the Apple Vision Pro app store as a native app.
A concept out of the movie The Matrix? You bet it! This Apple Vision Pro app is based off that concept. First, let me show you how it works on The Matrix:
Video: How The App Works - note, there are screenshots below
With this Apple Vision Pro app, there is no pain. You don't have to plug a cord into the back of your neck. You just need to put your Apple Vision Pro device on and ask it to teach you.
Using VisionOS, you can ask the Apple Vision Pro any how-to related question and be given a number of how-to videos on YouTube, with clear and detailed walk-throughs on how to do that yourself. Be it changing the oil in your car or flying an airplane - there are how-to videos on all of that. By streaming that data and information to your eye, we can almost achieve neo-like fast learning over Apple Vision Pro.
This is just another glimpse into the potential of wearing technology and how it can impact your daily life. For more details, email us at
Main Screen
Fix A Tire
Build Snowman
Snowman video
Fix a faucet
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