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This Google Glassware (Glassware is what Google calls an app for Google Glass) provides real-time updates on missile attacks against Israel. Google Glass is completely hands free and will send immediate alerts to subscribers to the app of missile attacks in Israel.
The alerts will provide the time and location of the attack, giving Israeli Glass users time to head for shelter. As missiles are launched in from Gaza, south of Israel, Israelis have anywhere between a few seconds to 60 seconds to find shelter. Be it there bomb shelters, safe rooms or covering up on the highway as they drive home from work - this app will allow them to get notifications of those missile attacks so they can seek shelter.
Here is what an alert might look like for someone wearing Google Glass while driving from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv to a meeting (photo credit to @HilzFuld):
Here is what the Glass "card" looks like in better detail:
Anyone with Glass can subscribe to the app through the link at the top right. Once you subscribe, notifications will be sent to your Glass device in real-time. You do not need to be in Israel to get these notifications.
This is just an other glimpse into the potential of wearing technology and how it can impact your daily life. Also, check out JewGlass on how Google Glass can be used to improve those who observe the Jewish way of life. For more details, email us at
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