HomeBlogMincha Minyan

Weekday Afternoon (Mincha) Prayer Group

Published November 27, 2017

For the past several years at the RustyBrick office we have held a weekday Mincha, afternoon services, at 1:30pm.  

We started the minyan when Ronnie and I lost our mother a bit over five years ago and called it the RustyMinyan for short.  

A minyan is quorum of ten men over the age of 13 required for traditional Jewish public worship.  You need the minyan in order to say Kaddish, which is customarily said for the for 11 months after the death of a close relative.   In fact, we designed an app to help people create a minyan on the go.

Thankfully, our weekday Mincha services has almost always had a minyan and we have been able to grow the minyan over the years.  With several people qualifying to make the minyan in the RustyBrick office, as well as several from within the larger building and offices near by, we normally do not have a problem gathering 10 Jewish men. 

It is a big convenience and also a "mitzvah" for those who would not otherwise go.

It is surprising how many new people come and say they never knew there was a minyan here, but yet they've worked in the neighborhood for years.  So I am writing this blog post so that when people Google it, they can hopefully find this and join us Monday through Thursday at 1:30pm.  And if you do, ask for a free Jewish app or RustyBrick Kippah.

Update, here is a picture from the security camera of today's mincha service in the conference room:

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Barry Schwartz is the CEO of RustyBrick, a New York Web service firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales. Barry is also the founder of the Search Engine Roundtable and the News Editor of Search Engine Land. He is well known & respected for his expertise in the search marketing industry. Barry graduated from the City University of New York and lives with his family in the NYC region.

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