HomeBlogThe Jewish Museum Awards RustyBrick

JM26: We Literally Made History

Published December 31, 2013

The Jewish Museum LogoThe Jewish Museum has put us on the very short list of the JM26. The JM26 is The Jewish Museum's "thought-provoking and entertaining list of 26 events, people, and ideas that have made a mark in 2013." JM26 items range from pop culture trends to geopolitical events and from whimsical to provocative - providing a diverse global look at 21st century Jewish experience.

RustyBrick's Jewish Guide for Glass, aka JewGlass, was the reason we made the list. Why? The Jewish Museum said:

"JewGlass: Tech Meets Tradition

"Jewish Guide for Glass" is the first Jewish app designed for Google Glass and one of a new breed of high tech aids to religious observance.

The app, created by the New York firm Rusty Brick, offers a host of services, including locating nearby synagogues and kosher restaurants, translating Hebrew texts, showing time-relevant prayers, and alerting the observant to the sunset.

While Google Glass is still in its infancy, it seems certain that religious apps that are responsive to time and location will change the way the faithful interact with their faith."

It is a true honor to have made the list for the first annual JM26. To be on the list with President Obama, Ed Koch, American Idol, Bob Dylan and Justin Bieber is amazing.

About RustyBrick, Inc.
RustyBrick is a New York Web service firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales. RustyBrick's Web services include; Web page design, Web development, logo design, e-commerce, mobile Web development, iPhone development, search engine optimization and more. Since 1994, RustyBrick has been creating Web software for businesses and organizations of all kinds.

RustyBrick designs premier iPhone & mobile applications for the Jewish market. They also work with clients such as MTV, Harper HarperCollins, Comedy Central, Harvard University and many more. RustyBrick also designed the most popular Siddur for the iPhone at http://rustybrick.com/siddur and has some of the most popular Jewish apps at http://rustybrick.com/iphone & http://www.rustybrick.com/android.

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Barry Schwartz is the CEO of RustyBrick, a New York Web service firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales. Barry is also the founder of the Search Engine Roundtable and the News Editor of Search Engine Land. He is well known & respected for his expertise in the search marketing industry. Barry graduated from the City University of New York and lives with his family in the NYC region.

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