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Barry Schwartz's Disclosures & Disclaimers

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I am most well known for my writing in the search marketing industry. I am also the CEO of RustyBrick, a New York based web and mobile development company that does consulting work and publishes some popular Jewish mobile apps and web software.

Since most people follow my writing, I try to avoid conflict that would give off the appearance of bias and favoritism in what I write. This page will give you more background on that and disclose specific things that might create an appearance of favoritism.

Note: I based most of the structure of this document by copying the style from Danny Sullivan's disclosures and disclaimers statement.

This document was last updated on June 18, 2024.

No Payment For Coverage

I do not and have not received payment from companies for any type of coverage on any of my writing including this site, my personal blog and my writing at Search Engine Land and Search Engine Roundtable. In fact, I do not believe I have ever accepted payment for coverage of any company or product in my writing career.

I Don't Handle Ads

I currently do not handle the display advertising or sponsorship actives at Search Engine Land or Search Engine Roundtable. Third Door Media manages the ads on both these properties. Third Door Media owns Search Engine Land and has an agreement with RustyBrick, my company, to manage the ads on Search Engine Roundtable. I have a small equity stake in Third Door Media.

I have in the past managed the ads on the Search Engine Roundtable, but honestly hope to never do so in the future.

Some of these sites, including my personal blog, do have Google AdSense on them. I have placed the code there but Google manages the advertisers and payments. They play no role in my editorial writing.

The ads do not and have not influenced or play a factor in the editorial decisions I have at Search Engine Land or Search Engine Roundtable.

Video Ads

I do directly sell sponsorship in my video content that you can primarily find on YouTube and on the Search Engine Roundtable.  These videos also may contain monetization from YouTube Ads, which is obviously a Google company.  

Affiliate Links

At Search Engine Roundtable and Search Engine Land I have not posted affiliate links, that I am aware of, in my writing. I may have posted some disclosed affiliate links on my personal blog but I have not done so at the main two search blogs listed above.


I do not perform paid consulting with any of the major search engines. I've been asked to consult with non-major search engines but have turned down such offers.

I may offer uncompensated advice to new search engines but only in a nonofficial manner.

I have been involved in focus groups and other meetings at major search engines in the past. I was never compensated with cash. Although I believe they did give us promotional wear and stuff like that as a thank you.

I and my company, RustyBrick, does not offer search engine optimization services. This decision has been made in order to stay unbiased and trusted by both the search engine companies and the search engine industry. I do not want either to feel they can push me to any viewpoint or not trust me when sharing something.

I will, however, offer phone or in-person consultations about future thinking search engine marketing strategies. Much of this I do for free on the various sites I write content on, but if someone wants one-on-one advice, I do offer hourly consulting to explain one-on-one those messages and strategies.

My company does build web sites, mostly backend office systems and apps. We have built and continue to build many frontend facing web sites. Those web sites are built and designed by employees of RustyBrick, who I do help train on best SEO practices. We do not perform keyword research, content development, link building, ranking reports and most typical SEO services. We do build very search engine friendly web sites. 


I am often asked for referrals to companies for search engine optimization work. In response, I usually provide a list of resources where people can locate companies. I will also recommend specific companies based on reviewing the web site to a company that might focus more on specific SEO areas.

I have received referral fees from some of these companies but 99% of the companies are asked not to provide referral fees. I do not and have not given any specific reference to a specific company because of any referral fees. These referral fees are a tiny amount of my income and thus do not play a factor in who I recommend to those seeking SEO companies or consultants.

Legal Consulting

I have been consulted by law firms on search engine legal matters. I have been paid for such legal counsel and to serve as an expert witness on topics around search marketing. 

I would agree to serve as an expert witness only if my beliefs were consistent with the opinions I was asked to offer.

Stocks & Investments

I do own stock in search-related companies. My stock holdings in the search companies are a tiny fraction of my net worth. I own some token shares of Google, I own some of Yahoo stock, IAC, I bought a small amount of Semrush stock shortly after it IPOed since I was proud of them, and maybe some others. I did buy some Facebook shares on the day of the IPO but I was not part of the IPO prices.

I do own a significant, in relation to my stock portfolio, of Apple stock but I do not often cover Apple in my writing. I am however a huge "Apple fan boy" and that is well known in the industry. Apple has really never been in the search space, that is until Apple acquired voice search engine Siri and placed it into the iPhone 4S in October 2011. Apple is still a topic I rarely cover, compared to Google and Bing.

Early Access To Software & Beta

There are times where search engines and search engine tools companies will give me access to preview new features and softwares. For example, to write a story of a new feature Google or Bing might introduce, they may give me early access to the beta to review the software in detail so my story can be ready for when they announce it. I am also given access to tools for review for my writing.

I honestly prefer not reviewing search engine consulting tools and often turn down free access to these tools. I also prefer to not have early access to new search engine features because typically I can find signs of the new feature before Google announces it. Google and Bing typically test their new features on unsuspecting users and sometimes those users will be annoyed enough to post screen shots on forums. I cover those stories before the press and Google announce the features.

Swag & Gadgets & Visits

I routinely visit the offices of major search engines for conducting interviews. It is not uncommon for me to be given a t-shirt, promotional bag and other token that might be given to any other visitor. I have accepted these items and I do not let them influence my coverage.

I have purchased search engine company products in their on-site stores at no discount.

I have been invited to and attended parties run by search engines, typically while at conferences.

I have never received test devices from companies but have never been given one for free. For example, all my Android devices were purchased by my company and not given to me for free. This does not mean I wouldn't accept a free Android phone if I went to a Google I/O conference, since they give them out to all attendees.

All my Apple devices and hardware were paid for by my company or myself. I have never been given an Apple device or hardware for free from Apple and never expect Apple do give me a device.

Overall, I see my role as working first and foremost for my readers. To do the best job for you, I routinely try to avoid conflict.

Should you have any concerns about possible conflicts not already covered on this page, please feel free to contact me using the email me link on my bio page.

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