Ronnie has upgraded his workstation to the
Power Mac G5. The machine is speedy with 1.5GB of RAM, Dual 2.3GHz PowerPC G5, and much more. The machine is huge, the liquid cooling is pretty cool as well, since the fans go in slow motion, compared to real computer fans. Overall, nice computer.
And with that, Ronnie wanted a second monitor, so he took my old Apple Cinema Display (the plastic casing model) to be side by side with his. Now I am using the new
Apple Cinema Display which is 3" bigger then my previous 20" version. I am using it right now but it seems a bit less sharp then the previous one I used. The nice part is I was able to pull off my iSight holder from the previous monitor and stick it on the new one. Also, it has more hubs in the back for firewire and usb. Plus it seems to be much larger and more flexible. It hooks up well to my powerbook, so I am happy.